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of FRUNĚK INOX s.r.o.

Zlín, Příluky, Cecilka 235, zip code 760 01

I. Basic provisions

1. These general terms and conditions (hereafter referred to as "T&C") govern all relations between the company FRUNĚK INOX s.r.o. with its seat in Zlín, Příluky, Cecilka 235, 760 01, (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller"), on the one hand, and the Buyer on the other hand, which arise in connection with the conclusion of the contract between them.

2. The buyer is any legal entity and natural person.

3. We only perform visual grinding and polishing. We supply measuring protocols for products only upon order. We cannot be held responsible for changes in the properties, dimensions and tolerances of materials and products resulting from surface treatment.

II. Conclusion of the contract and content of the contract

1. An e-mail, order or accepted delivery note containing the material specification and required processing is considered a concluded contract.

2. The delivery note is a written confirmation of the delivery and acceptance of the goods made by the Seller or a person authorized by him. This delivery note contains the identification of the Seller and the Buyer and the identification of the person who took over the goods.

3. All deliveries are made exclusively on the basis of these GTC. This excludes the use of the Purchaser's terms and conditions.

III. Prices and payment terms

1. The prices of the delivery item stated by the Seller in the offer information do not include VAT or packaging and shipping costs, unless otherwise stated.

IV. Terms of delivery

1. The Seller is obliged to deliver the object of delivery to the Buyer in accordance with the given order or contract. The Seller's obligation to deliver the item of delivery is fulfilled at the moment of handing over this item of delivery to the Buyer (or an external carrier) by confirming and accepting the delivery note.

2. The seller is not responsible for the delay in order execution and the execution date is subject to extension for the duration of the obstacle, caused by reasons independent of the contracting parties, in particular lack of energy or raw materials, strike, lockout, official measures or delay or failure of subcontracting. Partial fulfillment of the order may be the subject of a separate delivery and may be invoiced separately by the Seller.

3. The buyer is obliged to check the status of the shipment immediately upon delivery of the delivery item together with the carrier personally or through a person authorized by him, according to the attached delivery note. In the event of detection of any defects in the subject of delivery, notify the Seller of these defects, including their exact specification, no later than the next working day. At the same time, the Buyer is obliged, together with the transporter, to write a record of the damage event, which will contain all the usual details in such a case, to take photo documentation and then properly keep the record of the damage event and the photo documentation.

V. Complaints

1. The Buyer must inspect the delivery item immediately after its delivery and notify the Seller of any defect in writing no later than the next working day.

2. In the event that the object of delivery is not in accordance with the given contract at the time of its acceptance, the Seller is obliged to bring everything into compliance with the relevant contractual documents free of charge and as soon as possible.

3. A necessary condition for the complaint procedure is the simultaneous provision of identification of the delivery item, which confirms its origin from the Seller's production, as well as a description of the defect and photo documentation of the occurrence of the defect.

4. The claimed item of delivery may not be used for production or assembly or assembly, or otherwise further processed or dispatched to other entities. The Seller does not bear the financial costs incurred by the mentioned or other processes, nor the costs of transporting the claimed item back to the Seller for repair.

VI. Ownership, Liability and Other Settlements

1. Ownership is acquired from the Seller to the Buyer only at the moment of full payment of the price of the delivery item.

2. Liability for damage to the object of delivery passes from the Seller to the Buyer at the moment of its acceptance by the Buyer or a person authorized by him or the carrier.

VII. Final arrangements

1. These GTC are effective from February 29, 2019

2. The legal relations between the Seller and the Buyer, not expressly regulated by these GTC or the purchase contract between the Seller and the Buyer, are governed by the relevant provisions of Act 6 No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as well as other related generally binding legal regulations.

The Buyer declares that he has read these GTC, that he understands their content and that he considers them to be an integral part of the contractual arrangements with the Seller.

Zlín, Příluky,
Cecilka 235, 760 01
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